Week 41 of 365 Project 2020

This week I decided to use 1 app, KaleidaCam, and only 1 “pattern”. I was surprised with the different looks I got depending on the subject. All kaleidoscopes were of plants, except the last one…that’s a trashcan on cement. With that said, on with the photos…


Sing as if No One is Listening


Eat Your Greens


New Beginning

I noticed the Monstrose Cactus was about to give birth to a flower tonight.


Flower Power

In the morning the flower was still in bloom, but not for long. I managed to get some photos of it before it closed up shop.


Cactus Juice

The damaged cactus, from last month, made for an interesting kaleidoscope.


Do Ya Know What I Mean?

Saturday (today)

Snowflake's Chance in...

Well…that’s all for this week. Thank you very much for visiting. Stay safe and healthy.

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