Week 42 of 365 Project 2020

This week I decided to use 1 app again, this time it was Photoshop Camera with the Neon Pulse filter 2 of 3. Had a surprise cactus bloom last Saturday night which was still open on Sunday morning. The one I’ve been waiting for finally bloomed Wednesday night. I went out for my first hike on Tuesday since the whole COVID situation, it sure felt good. With that said, on with the photos…


Busy Bee Time


Please Be-Leaf Me


You Are the Sunshine of...

Jimson weed on the side of a hiking trail.



I’ve never seen this happen before with a fortnight lily. It never did open up or leave its shelter.


Closing Up Shop

Finally bloomed and now closing down in the morning.


Little Drops

Water drops taken through my glass water bottle on top of a coaster (Native American design).

Saturday (today)

Who Gets to Decide?

Have these little yellow flowers popping up all over the back yard.

Well…that’s all for this week. Thank you very much for visiting. Stay safe and healthy.

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