Week 39 of 365 Project 2020

This week I started walking my aging dog in the (somewhat) early morning. When all he wanted to do was sniff and mark in the front yard, I took off for a walk by myself, after taking him back inside. I didn’t realize how much I missed that early morning light for photos. So here’s what I saw, and captured, this week with my iPhone 11 Pro; photos were processed in Nik Color Efex Pro 4. With that said, on with the photos…


Ancient Bird (of Paradise)

The first of two photos not taken in the early morning. I was waiting for lunch to be made at Urbane Café to take home. It looked like an ancient bird from this angle. RRAWK


Foggy Morning

Had a quick, short walk with the dog, then I went out for a foggy walk to capture this photo. Figure added in Human app.



Last Friday’s “Sun Kissed” is this weeks “Splitzville”.


Fairyland of Love

Almost didn’t take this photo today. As the boy and I were on our way back home from a walk I saw this mushroom and wet grass in front of a neighbor’s yard. The next day it was gone as the lawn got mowed.



As I was walking towards the park for a walk I saw the sun lighting up this young palm.


The Doors of Reality

Late afternoon light coming in through the window fan. I’ve been wanting to take a photo almost every day, finally got around to it today.

Saturday (today)

Autumn is Upon Us

While walking around the Business Park I saw this leaf lit up by the sun.

Well…that’s all for this week. Thank you very much for visiting. Stay safe and healthy.

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